So, I recently...well like two hours ago saw Confessions of A Shopaholic again. It was even better the second time... I'm no shopaholic but I can definetly relate to "Rebecca Bloomwood"'s feeling of joy and complete-ness when she purchases something. It's a thrill. But I'm like super cheap,,, so I've basically decided to never get a credit card... that all may change later in life, but for now I like the feeling that I have some kind of control over my spending. :]
What did you think of the movie? I personally didn't think it was as cliche as it seemed in the trailers and stuff. And I had a BALLLLL watching the featurettes and especially those involving Patricia[Pat] Fields, who of-freaking-course did costumes. She does every major fashion movie. It excited me a little bit!
In other news, I recently got a account. I recieved an invitation :] I honestly don't know how to post a link to my profile, though. Haha, oh well.